Traditie, Faima, Respect ! - posted in FM Stories: 1 Iunie 2012.. - Hai odata ca ne asteapta Garry ! Lasa dracu aranjatu, ca oricum esti frumoasa ! - Ai rabdare 2 minute, sunt gata imediat ! -Pfai Doamne..Hai Joseph noi doi la& ...
[FM] Stories. leave a comment ». I am sure it`s obvious to you all that finance should matter to you. Most of you are here to make money; you spend money, and also know a thing or two about investing in the future. The fact that& ...
July 8, 2013. Bobby`s FM Stories: Managing Atromitos G #2 &. Bobby`s Stories, FM13 Stories. Hello guys and welcome back to my second post about my save with Atromitos G. After having a much needed break from football& ...
Serbian Mafia ! - posted in FM Stories: Ajuns in capitala Serbiei , Belgrad intampinat de o vreme nu tocmai favorabila ma grabesc spre o cafenea de langa periferie unde trebuia sa ma intalnesc cu fratele meu stabilit de 10 ani& ...
Traditie, Faima, Respect ! - posted in FM Stories: 1 Iunie 2012.. - Hai odata ca ne asteapta Garry ! Lasa dracu aranjatu, ca oricum esti frumoasa ! - Ai rabdare 2 minute, sunt gata imediat ! -Pfai Doamne..Hai Joseph noi doi la& ...
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